Saturday, May 28, 2011

About the game ...always

It will always be about the game, and all the game has to offer.  If it was about me it wouldn't be about much, cause if I had two choose me or the game, I would choose the game.  The game has never failed me, or never deceived me, and never promised me nothing it couldn't deliver.  So when you read my thoughts, or decide to follow the words keep that in mind.
 The game simply promised me that if I worked as hard as I could then I would make something of myself, and realize my potential.  It promised that the joy and success I would receive in return would far outweigh the cost of the blood sweat, and fears I faced.
Thinking back 44 years ago to my meeting with the game, and not really knowing what it had in store for me, but being fascinated with the possibilities, I am amazed of how it still moves my emotions every time I have the opportunity to be around it.
When I think about about it I sometimes wonder if it was all a dream, and that all that it has given me never really happened.  I mean who would believe that a game could feed you, clothe you, and more than that give you confidence when you didn't have any? After all it was just a game.

(An excerpt from the essay 'In the name of the father, the son, and the game" by Fentriss Winn written in 2002 updated in 2011 for publishing release in September'11 website launch at

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